"What is Happening?" mixed media artwork in situ in green lounge with velvet divan.
What is Happening Mixed Media artwork in purple and glass on birch panels

What is Happening?

$ 2,000

Acrylic and glass on wood-mounted birch panel 
24" x 48" x 1.5"

These mixed media pieces morph as the point of view and light change.

"What is Happening?" is a common question, often rhetorical, that we all hear. 2020 has heard it more and more as each passing day offers new hurdles, so we must adapt and continue on as best we can.

Sometimes, things are beyond our control and we have to acknowledge the change and find our way. The deep crimson red within this painting, visible only in a small area of the upper left of the work represents the turmoil that forces us to adapt. This red is embraced by purples and blues that calm the turmoil while allowing it still to exist.